Hero Legend Stickman 3.0.0 Offline Installer

Hero Legend Stickman 3.0.0 Offline Installer. A very Big Bang indeed !Two bubble universes touched, and a new universe was born the world begins to shake, a great blazing light shows forth, and lots of strange monsters appears, reaching out and out until...YOU need to gather the greatest Super Hero bros from all corner of the universe to fight.


◇Amazing graphics
◇Special powers for each character
◇Collect your favorate charactors ( ahri, lich king,windrunner,po)
◇Assemble your team
◇Multiple game mode (arcade / challenge)

V2.0 New Features
Add Stickman kung fu hero panda Po
Add Jump feature
Add ranking leaderboard feature
Add treasure chest box feature
Add tutorial

V2.0.1 New Features
1. Add new hero ILLIDAN
2. Add special sale feature
3. Add Level coin drops
4. Fix bug & crash

V2.0.2 New Features
1. Add new hero MAJIN.Yagami
2. Add Gem system
3. Add new levels in challenge mode
4. Optimize tutorial
5. Bargain sell feature
6. Fix bugs

Download Hero Legend Stickman 3.0.0